One morning during the last days of winter when everything was still barren, before overnight the trees burst with spring and little flowers sprout up everywhere, I took a walk.
I walked, as a country dweller would, through the pasture. I passed where we once fed young calves and walked on to a bridge which was a favorite spot with the children when they were growing up. They like to throw rocks off into the stream to hear the splash or to see who could throw the furthest upstream.
I sat down on the bridge in the quietness of the morning, alone with God and the few natural inhabitants of a spot like this. The birds chattered, perhaps wondering why I had invaded their world; the stream made beautiful music as it flowed into a little waterfall; the insects were busy with their special chores. I felt a closeness to God in the peacefulness of these special moments and I talked with God. After a time I accepted the inevitable truth that the peacefulness of the mountaintops must give way to everyday routines — we must rush to fill the niches we have made for ourselves.
I began to walk back slowly but stopped and sat down again on the bank formed where the road had worn down. As I sat there looking around and listening to the quietness. I turned my head and, oh, the beauty I saw! A dewdrop shining like a jewel on a weed! One glimpse and then the sun moved and I moved, and it was gone. I took my eyes off the thing of beauty and I lost it. Suddenly many thoughts rushed to my mind. I thought: when I rest in the peace God gives, all is well; but when I take my eyes from Him — ever so briefly — life becomes cluttered so rapidly. Days are not so trouble-free, the night’s rest is not so relaxing — so many anxieties appear.
Sitting there alone I remembered God’s words:
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)
The problem is not with His being near me — it is with my not making time for us to be together to let me give Him thanks for His goodness, praise His greatness, and ask for His guidance. The words of the hymn, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full into His wonderful face, and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace," say it all.
As I went back up the hill and into the house to prepare for work, I knew the day would be different — better —because in the beginning I had come face to face with God, and the day would be easier because I had been reminded to keep my eyes on Him. I will always remember the beauty of the dewdrop — it was a rare gift. It challenged me to keep my eyes more faithfully on God and all He has in store for me.
I am sharing this personal experience with you with the hope that it might cause you to stop and spend a few moments with God and have a better day for having done so.
Selection of funeral merchandise and services well in advance of need.
The interest in pre-arrangement of funeral services and merchandise is growing nationwide, and we receive calls every day from people asking what pre-arrangement is, what the advantages are, how many details can be prearranged, and what types of payment plans are available. Because of this interest in pre-arrangement, we will provide information about services and merchandise that can be selected in advance of need in this issue and future issues of our newsletter.
An important advantage of pre-arrangement is that decisions can be made without the pressure of time or emotional stress. Arranging a funeral for someone you love is a very kind expression of deep caring and concern, but, with no prior planning, decisions must be made in a very short and difficult time. With pre-planning, you can take time to think about your selections and discuss them with your family. You can be sure that your wishes will be known and carried out. You can select a casket and type of service only or you can specify other details such as place of interment, special scripture and hymns, and order of service.
Pre-arrangement provides financial advantages as well. When you sign a pre-arrangement contract, the cost of the casket and services you select cannot go up. You have "inflation-proofed" the cost of your funeral services. With pre-arrangement, your family will be freed of financial worries at the time of death. When selections are made, we will work with you on a payment plan that best suits your needs and your budget. You can choose to make one payment of the full amount due or we can set up a payment plan extended over a period of up to ten years. If you choose to make payments over a period of years, a credit life insurance policy may be written so if death occurs before payments are completed, the balance will be considered as paid in full.
We will be glad to answer any questions you have about pre-arrangement. You can either come to the Funeral Home to see the selection of caskets and outer containers available and discuss details with us, or, if you prefer, we will come to your home and show you pictures of caskets and discuss services that are available. The price list will be discussed in detail, and the differences in the cost of caskets explained. (Please see also the article entitled "Making an Informed Decision About Caskets.") All the information you need to make decisions about pre-arrangements will be presented in a professional, courteous, and unpressured atmosphere. Our discussions and your decisions will be held in strict confidence. If you decide not to make pre-arrangements, you will not be obligated in any way.
We are here and we will be happy to talk with you about pre-arrangement at your convenience. Just give us a call.
Many different styles and prices of caskets are available, but caskets that appear to be similar may differ greatly in quality of construction and in the features that contribute to their value.
We have many caskets from which you can choose. Because our funeral home seeks to serve the entire community, we feel that it is important that we carry a wide range of merchandise. Regardless of the number of caskets we display, however, there are only two types of caskets —caskets made of metal and caskets made of wood. More than anything else, the type of material the casket is made from determines the cost.
Hardwood caskets are valued for their natural beauty. Hardwood caskets are constructed by skilled craftsmen with the same patience and careful attention to detail given a fine piece of furniture. The depth of color and individual grain patterns make each hardwood casket truly unique. Hardwood caskets are available in mahogany, oak, cherry, walnut, poplar, maple, and pine. Prices differ in hardwood caskets according to the species of wood, the interior, and the craftsmanship involved.
Metal caskets are constructed from bronze, which is very expensive; from copper, which is our medium-priced metal casket; and from steel, which is our least expensive metal casket. The price difference in metal caskets is due to the type of material, thickness of the metal, and quality of the interior.
Although bronze is very expensive and not for the average consumer, it offers the ultimate in materials used in casket construction. Because of their permanency and durability, these caskets will never rust or corrode. We have bronze caskets at Waller Funeral Home for those families who desire the very finest.
Many people consider caskets made of solid copper as an alternative to bronze because copper is also a permanent and durable material, but it costs much less. Copper and bronze represent the finest materials in burial products today. Through the years these semiprecious metals have proven their permanence, their ability to endure. Their resilience, strength, and beauty are legend, having withstood the test of time.
Some caskets are made from a heavy gauge of steel. Other steel caskets are constructed from thinner steel; and, therefore, cost less. The thicker the steel, the more expensive the casket. All of our metal caskets are protective caskets because of the gasket and locking device which when engaged connects the top to the sides and bottom of the casket and prevents graveside substances from entering the casket. Some steel caskets have a magnesium bar which inhibits rust formation. This same principle is used in water heaters to extend the life of steel. Steel caskets vary in price due to the thickness of the steel, the quality of the interior, and the kind of finish used on the exterior.
The above information is provided to help you if or when you need to select a casket. In the next issue of the Newsletter we will present information on outer receptacles — vaults— for your further enlightenment about what is available in funeral merchandise. We will be glad to answer any questions you have about these products.
Lord, help me to live from day to day
In such a self-forgetful way
That even when I kneel to pray
My prayers shall be for others.
Help me in all the work I do
Ever to be sincere and true,
And know that all I do for Three
Must needs be done for others.
Others, Lord; yes, others.
Let this my motto be.
Let me live for others
That I may live like Thee.
Not by Accident: Comfort in Time of Loss by Isabel Fleece
God in His sovereignty allowed Ned Fleece to be killed in an automobile accident when he was 16. Not by Accident, written by Ned’s mother, is a story of the great love of God showered upon believers as they face tragedy. It is a story of the peace of God given in the midst of despair.
This little book will guide you toward an understanding of the very roots of Christianity: everything God allows is based in love and works for good, and we can rest now and forever in His mercy and faithfulness. (Available at local book stores in paperback, $1.95)
We dedicate this issue of SEASONS to those who have died and whose families we have served from December 7, 1987 to February 22, 1988.
Rev. J. Paul Harwood 12/9/87
Mrs. Mary Helen Blair 12/9/87
Mr. Fred Creed Beard 12/9/87
Mrs. Ella Quay Maples 12/16/87
Mr. Carl Dean Wilson 12/21/87
Mrs. Britt Standifer Cain 12/21/87
Mr. Richard E. Russell, Sr. 12/23/87
Mrs. Minnie Lee Naramore 12/23/87
Mr. Fred Walker Smith 12/25/87
Mr. Forest E. Barber 12/30/87
Mrs. Hazel R. Wesson 1/1/88
Mrs. Catherine Olivia Garner 1/3/88
Mr. Preston Garrett 1/8/88
Mrs. Bulah Fudge Mize 1/8/88
Mr. George Hewlette McCullar 1/13/88
Mrs. Mattie Ophelia Spencer 1/17/88
Mrs. Lura Dell Ray 1/18/88
Mrs. Katie Lee May 1/19/88
Mr. Jessie David Hollowell 1/20/88
Mrs. Alta Turner Camp 1/22/88
Mrs. Annie Mae Ream 1/23/88
Mr. James Curtis Kisner 1/25/88
Mr. Alton B. Reid 1/26/88
Judge Taylor H. McElroy 1/29/88
Mrs. Brydee Walsh Downey 1/30/88
Mr. Charles H. Coffey, Jr. 2/15/88
Mrs. Martha Moore Howerton 2/17/88
Mrs. Jean Davidson Crowe 2/17/88
Mr. Calhoun Franklin Cain 2/17/88
Mrs. Edna Varner Ray 2/21/88
And the night shall be filled with music,
And the cares that infest the day,
Shall fold their tents like the Arabs,
And as silently steal away.
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