Spring 1987


Through the years, mothers and motherhood have been extolled to levels which seem to exceed the recognition given fathers and fatherhood. This just doesn’t seem fair to all those fathers who have contributed greatly to the lives of their children and have given of themselves for the well being of their families. Fathers have often been the solidifying force of the family; and special gestures of love, care and concern shown, often shyly, by our fathers are treasured memories to many of us.

One of my favorite quotations, "There is nothing so strong as true gentleness and nothing so gentle as true strength," reminds me especially of several men I have known. The Biblical depiction of fathers is as head of the home. I am glad though that the image of masculinity which favored toughness and discouraged the outward show of affection is changing and that fathers are now participating more fully in the emotional and physical care of their children.

Erma Bombeck’s column, "Throughout the Creation of Dads, God Smiled at All the Questions," written with the author’s usual touch of wit and wisdom which convey a message so well, has been reprinted many times, and we are including it as our tribute to fathers as Father’s Day, June 21, approaches.

When the Good Lord was creating Fathers he started with a tall frame.

And a female angel nearby said, "What kind of Father is that? If you’re going to make children so close to the ground, why have you put Fathers up so high? He won’t be able to shoot marbles without kneeling, tuck a child in bed without bending, or even kiss a child without a lot of stooping." And God smiled and said, "Yes, but if I make him child-size, who would children have to look up to?"

And when God made a Father’s hands, they were large and sinewy.

And the angel shook her head sadly and said, "Do you know what you’re doing? Large hands are clumsy. They can’t manage diaper pins, small but tons, rubber bands on pony tails or even remove splinters caused by baseball bats."

And God smiled and said, "I know, but they’re large enough to hold everything a small boy empties from his pockets at the end of a day. . . yet small enough to cup a child’s face in his hands."

And then God molded long, slim legs and broad shoulders.

And the angel nearly had a heart attack. "Boy, this is the end of the week, all right," she clucked. "Do you realize you just made a Father without a lap? How is he going to pull a child close to him without the kid falling between his legs’?

And God smiled and said, ‘A Mother needs a lap. A Father needs strong shoulders to pull a sled, balance a boy on a bicycle or hold a sleepy head on the way home from the circus."

God was in the middle of creating two of the largest feet anyone had ever seen the angel could contain herself no longer. "That’s not fair. Do you honestly think those large boats are going to dig out of bed early in the morning when the baby cries? Or walk through a small birthday party without crushing at least three of the guests?"

And God smiled, and said, "They’ll work. You’ll see. They’ll support a small child who wants to ‘ride a horse to Banbury Cross,’ or scare off mice at the summer cabin, or display shoes that will be a challenge to fill."
God worked throughout the night, giving the Father few words, but a firm, authoritative voice; eyes that saw everything, but remained calm and tolerant.

Finally, almost as an afterthought, he added — tears. Then he turned to the angel and said, "Now, are you satisfied that he can love as much as a Mother?"

The angel shutteth up.

We look forward to Father’s Day. It seems even now I can hear the congregation of Clear Creek Church singing "Faith of Our Fathers", as we do each year. In our family thoughts of past years will bring many happy memories. We hope you, too, will experience a happy day filled with joyous celebration. If this cannot be, then may the day be spent remembering the better times when your family was complete.

God bless each of you.


In our continuing effort to enhance our service to the community we recently acquired Oak Grove Memorial Gardens, which will now be known as Eastover Memorial Cemetery. This cemetery offers another alternative for burial site selection to the people of Oxford and Lafayette County.

Just off Highway 30 on Camp Hopewell Road, this memorial cemetery was established in 1971. More than 350 lots have been sold, and a number of families have buried loved ones in this beautiful rural setting.

We encourage you to drive out to see for yourself the attractive layout of the cemetery with an encircling driveway and convenient concrete walks which make every lot easily accessible. The focal point of the cemetery is an impressive statute of Christ in prayer, which was placed on a slight incline in the center of the cemetery to be equally beautiful from any point in the cemetery.

Waller Funeral Home is responsible for the sale of lots and for complete management and maintenance of the cemetery. Members of our staff are available to show lots and discuss purchase options at your convenience. Just call Waller Funeral Home (662-234-7971) for further information.


Walking Into Morning, A Journey to the Other Side of Death was written by Margaret Walpole after the sudden death of her husband. Each page provides a short, complete message with a depth of understanding which would be comforting to someone who has recently experienced the death of a loved one, and the lovely artwork and pictures add visual beauty to the messages. I see the book as a helpful aid to healing before a person is ready for longer, deeper messages about death and sorrow. Published by C. R. Gibson, the book is inexpensive, and, I think, would be a very thoughtful gift to a grieving friend or relative. The following passage, entitled "Depression," is illustrative of the kind of messages the book contains.

Incredibly, it’s been three months since I’ve seen him — the one I love, my husband. Incredibly, I must live the rest of my life without him. That’s hard to believe, hard to bear. I miss him with every fiber of my being, every hour, every day, every lonely night. He isn’t ever coming back. . .not this time. Grief is exhausting, and I am exhausted.

People ask, "How are you doing?" What am I supposed to say? I am physically fine, spiritually fine, but mentally, close to self-pity. I put that smile on my face and go on, but inside I’m eaten up with loneliness, always aching, always missing him. I’m sick that when I go home he is never there. I can’t call him on the telephone, can’t hold him, can’t have him hold me. Brokenhearted is a trite word compared to this — everything is broken. I ache — there is no other word.

Terry Robbins Wins Award

We are pleased to announce that one of our insurance salesmen, Terry Robbins, was recently named a recipient of one of the top awards during the American Funeral Assurance Company’s President Appreciation months of December, January and February. Earning this recognition represents much work by Terry. We appreciate his efforts on behalf of Waller Funeral Home and the service he has given our clients.


We dedicate this issue of SEASONS to those who have died and whose families we have served from February 24 to May 26. 1987.

Mrs. Floyce Garrett McWhirter 2/24/87

Mr. John Hurskin Holcomb 2/26/87

Mrs. Avis Pjckett Webb 2/28/87

Mr. Francis Eugene Briscoe 3/3/87

Mr. Charles Howard Ayles 3/4/87

Mrs. Mary Emma Danzey Strong 3/7/87

Mr. James Carl Stewart 3/11/87

Mrs. Ona Moreland Hipp 3/18/87

Mr. Albert Byron Locke 3/19/87

Mr. Wendell B. Johnston 3/22/87

Mr. Rufus Clyde Tubbs, Sr. 3/24/87

Mr. Robert Allen Johnson 3/25/87

Mrs. Nannie Burton Atkinson Morgan 3/26/87

Mr. James Dudley Jones, Sr. 4/1/87

Mrs. Myrtle King Livingston 4/12/87

Mrs. Corrie Mitchell Jones 4/13/87

Mrs. Sadie Rea Beaver Wingo 4/14/87

Mrs. Lucille Snipes Crane 4/14/87

Mrs. Mamie Eliza Ferrell Welch 4/23/87

Mrs. Nona Davis Houston 4/24/87

Mrs. Birtie Lee Harper 4/27/87

Mrs. Ella Smith Stripling 5/1/87

Mrs. Eula Blanche Campbell McGregor 5/1/87

Mrs. Dorothy Hawkins Pinion 5/1/87

Mr. Norman George Raise 5 /1/ 87

Mrs. Susie White Downs 5/5/87

Mr. Homa Wayne Young 5 / 8/87

Mr. Philip Manning 5 / 9/87

Mr. Bob Belton Berryhill 5/10/87

Mr. Charles Allen Hallford 5/11/ 87

Mr. Hubert Lane Tutor, Sr. 5/12/87

Mrs. Kathleen Daniels Lindsey 5/22/87

Mr. Halbert N. White 5/24/87



Pre-planning and/or prepayment of funeral services continues to be one of the largest areas of growth in funeral service throughout the nation. At Waller Funeral Home we continue to work with families and individuals almost daily in this area of service. The acquisition of Eastover Memorial Cemetery makes possible a more complete plan of pre-need at Waller Funeral Home. Burial sites and monuments can now be incorporated into a pre-need funeral contract. We would welcome an opportunity to talk with you about our preplanning and/or prepayment plans.

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